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SEBI to Enable Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Faster Resolutions

Enabling ODR

SEBI, the Securities and Exchange Board of India, has recently announced its plan to implement an online dispute resolution (ODR) mechanism for its stakeholders. The move aims to provide a more accessible and efficient dispute resolution process for investors and other market participants. This announcement came after the SEBI Board Meeting held on 29th March 2023, and the ODR mechanism will be implemented through a dedicated online platform, designed to offer easy access to investors, intermediaries, and listed companies for dispute resolution.

SEBI has been working tirelessly to improve the dispute resolution process, particularly by making it more efficient and swift. Currently, dispute resolution cases can take a long time to be resolved, causing frustration to investors and stakeholders. Hence, SEBI's decision to enable online dispute resolution will allow investors and other stakeholders to submit their complaints online and have them resolved in a timely manner. SEBI is also committed to ensuring the security and reliability of the ODR process.

How will it work ?

As per the Consultation Paper released by SEBI, the online dispute resolution process will be divided into three stages: filing of a complaint, mediation, and arbitration. The platform will provide several features to enable an efficient and effective dispute resolution process. These include online filing of complaints, tracking the status of complaints, and communicating with concerned parties through the platform. Additionally, the platform will offer alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods such as mediation and conciliation.

The ODR mechanism's key advantage is its ability to offer a fast and cost-effective resolution process. The traditional dispute resolution process can be lengthy, often taking years to resolve a dispute. With the ODR mechanism, resolutions are expected to be delivered within a few months. Additionally, the ODR mechanism ensures a transparent and fair dispute resolution process. The platform is designed to facilitate a neutral and objective decision-making process, with arbitrators and mediators appointed independently and impartially.

SEBI has also stated that it will provide training and support to mediators and arbitrators to ensure that they are equipped to handle the online dispute resolution process, ensuring the process is fair and unbiased.

How does it affect the stakeholders ?

The move to enable online dispute resolution is a positive step, making the dispute resolution process more accessible and efficient for investors and other stakeholders. With the help of technology, SEBI can ensure that disputes are resolved in a timely and effective manner, benefiting all parties involved

The SEBI ODR mechanism will offer a user-friendly dispute resolution process accessible from anywhere. This will be a significant improvement over the traditional dispute resolution process, which can be cumbersome and time-consuming. The platform will be available 24/7, and investors will be able to access it from their homes or offices.


SEBI's decision to enable online dispute resolution is a significant step towards enhancing investor protection and providing a hassle-free platform for dispute resolution. The ODR mechanism will offer faster, cost-effective, and transparent dispute resolution, providing a user-friendly platform accessible from anywhere. The SEBI ODR mechanism is expected to be implemented shortly, and investors should stay updated on the latest developments. By offering swift and efficient conflict resolution, SEBI is working towards creating a more transparent and trustworthy market environment.

Links for documents 

SEBI Consultation Paper on Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism thru ODR

SEBI Board Meeting 29th March 2023


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